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The warm spring weather is coming soon and the spring gardening is gaining momentum. In addition to pruning and building tall beds and buildings, great attention is being paid to the lawn, which is becoming greener in warmer weather. After all, a green, even and dense lawn is the basis of the garden. In all likelihood, it will be necessary to repair the existing grass cover due to excessive sparseness or even rebuild it due to the reorganization of the garden, and so the grass seed will go to the store. Here are some tips for building a new lawn as well as encouraging an existing lawn.


The ground must first be dug. It can be done quite a bit
deeply. It also improves the so-called base of the new lawn. ventilation and invigorates
soil, it also improves the infiltration of excess water. Larger squares
use a cultivator-tiller to dig. These tools are available
in many tool and equipment rental companies.

Sowing grass seed

There is nothing complicated here. Sowing in small volumes in the classic way, sowing in the palm of your hand, for larger volumes you can get help from special lawn drills, which are also available from rental companies. You can find sowing standards on the grass seed packaging. After sowing, the seed needs to be covered or mixed with soil. To do this, it must be plowed so that the seeds mix with the topsoil. Experts recommend leaving the seeds at a depth of about 1 cm. If the soil is sandier than average, the entire surface should be rolled over after raking using a special grass roller.


When the weather is dry, the sown seed also needs watering.
Fine or gentle watering accessories or systems should be used for this purpose.
This will prevent the seeds from washing away. Watering should be in the morning and evening as well
preferably not with very cold water. To accelerate the emergence of grass and close
growth, the lawn can also be fertilized. Use special lawn fertilizers for this purpose.


Mowing should not start too early. Let the grass grow
at least 7-10cm long. Carry out further mowing with grass seed
according to the manufacturer's instructions, which can be found on the grass seed packaging. It is usually 3-4cm.


In the spring, the lawn must be plowed through and carried out
lower than normal mowing. After mowing, it should be over properly
dig up and collect loose grass mixture and surplus. Low mowing and
raking improves the ventilation of the grassroots.
Sow the seeds immediately after proper raking. Don't forget to fertilize too.
If the lawn is in a shady place, use a fertilizer that also contains
moss removal effect. After sowing the seed and fertilizer, cultivate the entire lawn
once again so that both the new grass seed and the fertilizer can
mix with shallow soil. After sowing, it should be kept until the grass emerges
soil moist. Before mowing for the first time, allow the lawn to grow to about 7-8 cm