Beetroot Cylindra 5g


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Beetroot Cylindra is a medium-sized, thin-skinned juicy, sweet and delicious long beet. Universal variety. Vegetables oblong 15-20cm. With dark burgundy flesh, suitable for processing - does not lose its color. Easy to clean and easy to clean. Beetroot is more warm than other vegetables. Beetroot needs a lot of moisture for growth, especially during germination and vegetable formation. The plant is light-demanding, so thinning is important. Deep humus-rich medium-neutral neutral or weakly alkaline soils are suitable for beetroot. Does not tolerate acidic soil.

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Beetroot Cylindra 5g

Product description

Beetroot Cylindra is a mid-early, thin-skinned, juicy, sweet and tasty long beet. It is a general-purpose variety that is good for processing because it does not lose its color. Root vegetables are elongated, reaching 15-20 cm in length. The flesh has a dark burgundy color.

Growing conditions

Beetroot is more heat-demanding than other vegetables and needs a lot of moisture for growth, especially during germination and root crop formation. The plant is light-demanding, so thinning is important. Deeply humus-rich, medium-weight, neutral or weakly alkaline soils are suitable for beetroot. This variety does not tolerate acidic soil.


Beetroot Cylindra is a versatile vegetable that can be used in a variety of cooking methods. Its juicy and sweet taste is perfect in salads, stews, soups and other dishes. The root vegetable is easy to harvest and easy to clean.


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