
The filter fabric is made of polypropylene

needle and heat treated durable
filter cloth.
Stabilo filter cloth is well permeable to air and water,
but at the same time prevents various loose soils

Stabilo filters water and
thus prevents the movement of fine-grained loose soil
in coarser soil layers.

Stabilo protects well
also terraces and beds, shores and beaches
for erosion.

Using a filter cloth:
- Different types of soil are distinguished
- Strengthen and stabilize
structures are secured
- Combines soil types, prevents erosion
- Prevented / blocked by groundwater
damage caused
- Weed growth is inhibited
- Filter the water and dry the structures
- Roads and parking spaces
- Fences and yard tiles
- Ball and playgrounds / sports fields
- Swimming beaches
- Building foundations and concrete castings
- Foundations and defenses of coastal construction
- Drainage and land drainage
- Retaining walls and ramparts